Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Generation X Perspective on the Baby Boomer Legacy

I came across an interesting link on Twitter yesterday (follow me @BlairLikely) that peaked my interested because I believe in a truly diverse workforce.  That diversity for me means creating a cross generational collective of talent.  After all everyone has something to offer that can help build and sustain a world class workforce.

Generation X and Millennials alike can thank the Baby Boomers for an all inclusive workplace, work life balance, institutional knowledge and leaving the Baby Boomer legacy. 

The Baby Boomers knocked down the glass ceiling, ended work place discrimination, and then broke through the predominantly white "boys club" to create diversity in offices.  Results can be seen today as diversity in the workplace keeps perspectives fresh and innovations flowing.  This generation was a trailblazer of work life balance and the family-friendly work place; which has become pivotal in retaining a workforce. The institutional knowledge that can be lost as Baby Boomers retire and leave the work place, has company's coming up with innovative ways to retain knowledge.  Company's have recognized this and are finding ways to transfer the knowledge.  This means having "in place" successors; as well as technologies that allow retirees to serve as consultants post retirement.

The Baby Boomer legacy has afforded Generation X, Millennials and beyond a changed workplace that was shaped by experiences, social changes and the political climate.  World class company's who recognize the importance of the cross generational diversity are going to be the company's who go farther, stay longer and have a greater workforce.

Click here for the entire article The Baby Boomer Legacy: The Gen X Perspective, Sara Schmid, Jan. 27, 2015 or by copying and pasting the below  link:


About the Author: Blair Gaines is gifted Project Manager who has a great interest in creating a world class workforce.  Blair is working toward her HRM Degree, PMP certification and SCRUM Facilitator Certification.  She is a talented speaker and writer, who has a way with words, that paint a picture on a level that can be understood by all.  Follow Blair on Twitter @blairlikely or connect with via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/blairgaines