Friday, April 18, 2014

Employee Engagement = Growth + Profit

If you have not yet noticed I am a little obsessed with Employee Engagement and Work Life Balance; trailed by my passion for Project Management -- but what project can be managed without people? Organizations need to treat their employees more like assets by creating a vested strategy for employee engagement. 

Kruse, K. (Jan.7, 2014) Retrieved from
Organizations that see their employees as assets generally treat their people well.  In turn those people project a positive company image.  Think about where you work for a moment, is the overall consensus of your colleagues that they are just there for a paycheck?  If so, I hate to tell you but your organization is not engaging it's employees.  And your coworkers are more likely to seek employment elsewhere; so there is a possibility for high turnover and job instability.

Or are you engaged in activities like team building, wellness, taking part in the delivery, development or strategic roll out of products/services?  Does your employer allow you a flexible schedule and realize you are a person outside of the organization?  Can you telecommute to take advantage of needed time away from the office?  If you answer yes to any of these questions congratulations, you work within an organization that recognizes the advantages of their people.  You my friend, are an engaged employee.  

I am becoming more and more convinced that for an organization to reach its maximum potential it must treat it's people like capital, or in HR lingo Human Capital.  Capital goes a long way when you start talking strategies for growth, talent retention, expansion, and succession.  In dollars and cents we think capital to keep it we reinvest it.  In human capital, the same principle applies.

Written by Blair Gaines 04/17/2014

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