Monday, August 4, 2014

Dear Sister Mary Aquinas ...

Dear Sister Mary Aquinas,

I would like to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude for all of the life lessons you attempted to instill in me.   Your firm voice, and weathered ruler forever left an impression on me (literally my right hand still hurts).

You taught me a lot, like how to walk with my back perfectly straight, and how to balance three huge hardcover books, on one foot while reciting my beatitudes. These are skills that have made me unique! I mean how many people can do this?

Every quarter on my report card you noted things that would make me a better person. In the last 4 years that we were together I have found you to be wrong on more than one occasion:

1-      You said: “Do not share so much information with peers!”  –  Sister, I have learned that in Agile Project Management it is very important to share everything during Sprints.  Your rule here disappoints the Scrum Master.

2-      You said: “Memorize and repeat, do not add your opinion.”  - Sister, my so called opinion is totally ok and expected.  A great PM will exercise independent and fair consensus-building skills when conflict arises.

3-      You said: “Stop acting like you know everything!” Sister, actually using my expertise is good.  A great PM will possess domain expertise in project management as applied to a particular field.

    4-      You said: “Write down everything on the board, no matter the subject.”Sister, if I write down everything, I will ignore my quick sifting abilities, knowing what to note and what to ignore.

     5-      You said: “Work is not fun!”Sister, I am engaged.  Engagement leads me to motivation and I look forward to going to work.

Oh Sister, mankind thanks you for your intentions but as you always said when quoting St. Teresa of Avila,  “To reach something good it is very useful to have gone astray, and thus acquire experience.”

I have long astrayed from your simple teachings and am acquiring the experience.  For this Sister Mary Aquinas, I say Thank You!

About the Author: Blair Gaines is gifted Business Analyst working toward her HRM Degree, PMP certification and SCRUM Facilitator Certification.  She is a talented speaker and writer, who has a way with words, that paint a picture on a level that can be understood by all.  Follow me on Twitter @blairlikely or connect with me via email

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