Saturday, July 25, 2015

YOLO -- So Do Not Blow It!

OMG! I seriously luuuuuvvvv Pop Culture, but really the jargon and rhetoric have no place in the
workplace, and especially not in an interview.  As catchy as it is to paraphrase TV shows, songs and stand up comedians among friends, colleagues and constituents deserve your best business ettiquite.

Walking into the office in the morning belting out in your best imitation of  Fetty Wop saying
"Hey whassup, hellloooooooo", is really not that appropriate.  Although it may sound like a fun way to greet others -- remember not as many people as you would like to think have him on repeat in their playlists.

In an interview, if someone asks you to describe yourself in 3 words or less, please do not say "Imma classic man"!  Jidenna, the artist who sings this song is implying that he is a young OG who can get lots of women and sell drugs.  This is probably not the impression you want to give.

If a coworker compliments your outfit, please do not reply "I woke up like this".  Beyonce is a pop-icon but even she didn't wake up like that. A simple "thank you" is fine, and perhaps a return compliment.

During a meeting if you disagree with someone's thought's or ideas please do not reply with any of the following: "Boy Bye!", "Girl Bye", or "Bye Felicia".  Foremost I cannot recall who Felicia is and second, calling adults girl or boy is plain offensive.

If you are trying to give a good example of your leadership skills, please stay away from quoting rapper Rick Ross, although he may feel like he is a Boss, that is in an entirely different capacity -- and is probably going to get you into the bottom of the leadership pile if not totally tossed out.

Taking on more than one task is an admirable quality and most employees who can multitask effectively have longevity in their careers.  However, if asked "Do you think you would like to take this opportunity to..." -- By heavens sake please DO NOT, for whatever it is worth reply "YOLO!" (meaning You Only Live Once) -- This was a term coined by crossover rapper (from Toronto) Drake, in the 2011 song "The Motto".  While I welcome Drake to yell this out whenever and wherever, you should definitely not.

Remember, you can say whatever you want to your friends, but your colleagues, constituents and potential new managers deserve for you to properly code shift into your corporate self. And only Lady Gaga can say "I live halfway between reality and theater at all times. And I was born this way."  

About the Author: Blair Gaines is an impassioned leader and manager who has a great interest in creating a world class workforce.  Blair is working toward her 2nd HRM Degree, and has a passion for writing.  She is a talented speaker and writer, who has a way with words, that paint a picture on a level that can be understood by all.  Follow Blair on Twitter @blairlikely or connect with via LinkedIn: 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

It's the new microphone and everybody has one.

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The world is a stage for anyone for at least a moment or two.  For my mom the hashtag was a tic-tac-
toe board, for me it was a pound sign and now its the way to connect with others who have a like thought in the digital realm.  Whether its a shared article, 140 character thought, a pinned idea, video, news article or a picture of a dog eating a lemon it gets shared, a hashtag is the way to share.

The question remains, where to share it and when?

There is a time and place for everything, any good parent has said this at least once a day.  So why not as adults shouldn't we remember this?  Well the answer to that is that we should.

So, let me break it down to you my way:

Facebook (FB)
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This is for ages 0 (apparently its OK for an infant to have a FB page) to 100+ (because even great-great-great grandparents are actively posting and liking things).  And this is true because FB's marketing team think's its target market is everyone.  We can blame the everyone target market on SEO and Geo tracking which is an entirely different conversation. Any-who, FB is typically for connecting with family and friends online.  Like your dear old aunt Gertrude, or your first friend in second grade.  You share pictures, thoughts, commentary and, well, that is it.  It should stop there, but we know it does not -- again another conversation.

Twitter gives you 140 characters to post your deepest or most insane thoughts like, how nice the
weather is, a link to something more interesting than you, or a place to connect with main stream media and put in your 2 cents worth.  In other words Twitter seems to be the digital zone where there are no rules written, and morals and ethics need to override desires to post the absurd.

Pintrest takes our inner Martha Stewart, Julia Child, Chef Ramsey and Do It Yourself-er and allows us to become instantly published.  No matter if it's how you repainted a room, built an addition to your home, or made an after five dress out of duct tape Pintrest is for those who make something out of nothing; or follow those who have that special talent.

While as I write this, even I am thinking Tubmlr will fade, or maybe it already has...  Tumblr is
where users post content in a short form blog (or for you FB-ers a really long status message). Tumblr like FB and Twitter allows for followers and likes.  So really it's just another online forum like FB and Twitter that is mainstream, yet less mainstream than the Big 2 (you know FB and Twitter).  My prediction, Tumblr is the next MySpace a digital burial ground for foregone conclusions.

This site is meant to be a social networking site specifically for the business community. The premise is that registered users can establish and document networks of trusted professionals that they know.  It is also a good networking tool. However, beware because this is where the LIONS roar, yes we have all seen it, people with LION after their name - a badge of confidence if you will.  It means LinkedIn Open Networker.  Yep that's it -- so it pretty much says they will accept requests from any person on LinkedIn who says they are ready to network.  Quite frankly I would love to meet the den master, or person who created this pack of LIONs because they seem to be a useless group.

I personally love Twitter, and LinkedIn, yet I despise FB, but no matter which sites you use frequently or just browse from time to time please be a steward of your own content and post where its most appropriate.  And if in doubt just sent the thought via text message to a close friend.  I am sure they won't mind being your audience for just a few characters.

About the Author: Blair Gaines is an impassioned leader and manager who has a great interest in creating a world class workforce.  Blair is working toward her 2nd HRM Degree, and has a passion for writing.  She is a talented speaker and writer, who has a way with words, that paint a picture on a level that can be understood by all.  Follow Blair on Twitter @blairlikely or connect with via LinkedIn: 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

X + Y = Generation YOU!

Let's face it, none of us will be forever young as taught by pop culture.

As a cross millennial and gen-xer I feel forever young.  Thus because everything that is currently being marketed is being marketed to me.  I prefer to call my generation generation YOU.  What YOU want,  when YOU want it, how YOU want it.  Yep that's me, Generation YOU!  So what happen's when that changes?  How do I change with that?  How do I become a future asset that can pass on timeless information that is something that YOU will seek?

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In essence I am asking how do I become a YOU-BOOMER?

I read countless articles day to day about the workforce, retention, recruitment, hiring, the workforce and all the in between; and it all boils down to WHAT DO YOU WANT?  What I want is to be a YOU-BOOMER!   In 20 years I want to sit down with generation "We Care" and tell them about how we (Generation YOU) demanded what we wanted, how we impacted social media, pop culture and mainstream business to align them with our design.  I want the influence of the Baby Boomers to catapult into my professional existence and blend it with how Generation YOU, will impact the next wave of the global market place. 

The downside of being a part of Generation YOU, is that frankly this generation is spoiled!

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The anticipation of getting something just because it is desired is way over demanded.  And the ability to accept failure is at an all time low.  I have seen people walk out of meetings almost kicking and screaming "but its not my way".  This generation has a great learning curb if they are going to survive in the real global corporate climate.  We need to learn to get rid of buzz words, catch phrases and truly embrace obstacles, because those obstacles do turn into opportunities when seized at the right time.   This generation needs to learn patience, and how to be steadfast in their approach.  This generation needs to scale down their screen time for actual face time.  And this generation will need to learn that YOU are are a part of a collective that can be called WE.

"... embrace the Baby Boomers theory of teamwork"

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As happy as I am to be a part of the convenient Generation YOU, I know that WE are a generation that can be a movement if we embrace the Baby Boomers theory of teamwork; being a multi-person system that functions cohesively.  So rest assured, Generation YOU can still be saved, and truly become a revolutionary movement of innovation and theoretical catalysts for growth and change.  After all isn't that what YOU want?

About the Author: Blair Gaines is an impassioned leader and manager who has a great interest in creating a world class workforce.  Blair is working toward her 2nd HRM Degree, and has a passion for writing.  She is a talented speaker and writer, who has a way with words, that paint a picture on a level that can be understood by all.  Follow Blair on Twitter @blairlikely or connect with via LinkedIn: