Sunday, September 21, 2014

Goal Achieved, On to the Next

I had to put my pen down for a few weeks, because I had a goal to obtain.  I am sure you can understand.  Writing is my passion and my leisure; however I knew that leisure time would return as soon as I reached my goal.   So with that being said I am picking up my pen again and retreating to my happy writing place because I have reached another milestone, another goal! #GoTeamBlair!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Professionally Inept -- But that's none of my business.

One of my greatest concerns as a professional is people who seek out jobs, or accept jobs just because they need a paycheck.  I am personally divided in these situations:

#1 – Provide for home by any means necessary.  I get it, you have a home, car, bills, like to live life comfortably – and you feel you should earn a salary commiserate with your lifestyle.

#2 — In a way, I lose a bit respect for these people because they are taking up valuable work-space from another person, who truly desires to perform that job; and may even excel within that position.

This reflection falls behind a few conversations that I have had this past week with various people, my theory that some people take jobs just to have jobs is correct.  Well, I say shame on them for proving me correct!  A good friend of mine is job searching, and when I asked, “What do you want to do?” the answer was so mundane and plain unimpressive that I was almost bored listening to these two sentences:

"For right now, I just want to do a bunch of different stuff.  I don’t really know what I want to do in the long run.”

What do you mean you don’t know what you want to do in the long run?  So are you telling me you are just dancing around in tippy toe shoes, hoping someone will gift you a job so you can afford to lolly gag and collect paycheck?  But that’s none of my business!

My advice is, find something you love and pursue it. 

I have two passions that flow symbiotically with my professional and personal life, Project Management and Human Resources Management.  I know that I have the KSAO’s to balance either and will not only succeed but land on top in either of these fields because of my motivation.  I know that I can perform accounting tasks but have no desire to work in accounting. I love animals but hate to see them suffer so pet care is out of the question too.  So even if the money was great I would not accept a job in either of these fields.

Bottom line, know what you love, your knowledge base is, align your skills with your abilities and figure out what other characteristics you have that will make you great.  Then chase those opportunities.  Don’t take a job just to get paid (although there is someone out there at work right now crossing off the days until payday) performing a job that they are just mediocre at; and there is someone out there who would be fantastic at the other person’s job.   But that’s none of my business!

About the Author: Blair Gaines is gifted Business Analyst working toward her HRM Degree, PMP certification and SCRUM Facilitator Certification.  She is a talented speaker and writer, who has a way with words, that paint a picture on a level that can be understood by all.  Follow me on Twitter @blairlikely or connect with me via email

Monday, August 4, 2014

Dear Sister Mary Aquinas ...

Dear Sister Mary Aquinas,

I would like to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude for all of the life lessons you attempted to instill in me.   Your firm voice, and weathered ruler forever left an impression on me (literally my right hand still hurts).

You taught me a lot, like how to walk with my back perfectly straight, and how to balance three huge hardcover books, on one foot while reciting my beatitudes. These are skills that have made me unique! I mean how many people can do this?

Every quarter on my report card you noted things that would make me a better person. In the last 4 years that we were together I have found you to be wrong on more than one occasion:

1-      You said: “Do not share so much information with peers!”  –  Sister, I have learned that in Agile Project Management it is very important to share everything during Sprints.  Your rule here disappoints the Scrum Master.

2-      You said: “Memorize and repeat, do not add your opinion.”  - Sister, my so called opinion is totally ok and expected.  A great PM will exercise independent and fair consensus-building skills when conflict arises.

3-      You said: “Stop acting like you know everything!” Sister, actually using my expertise is good.  A great PM will possess domain expertise in project management as applied to a particular field.

    4-      You said: “Write down everything on the board, no matter the subject.”Sister, if I write down everything, I will ignore my quick sifting abilities, knowing what to note and what to ignore.

     5-      You said: “Work is not fun!”Sister, I am engaged.  Engagement leads me to motivation and I look forward to going to work.

Oh Sister, mankind thanks you for your intentions but as you always said when quoting St. Teresa of Avila,  “To reach something good it is very useful to have gone astray, and thus acquire experience.”

I have long astrayed from your simple teachings and am acquiring the experience.  For this Sister Mary Aquinas, I say Thank You!

About the Author: Blair Gaines is gifted Business Analyst working toward her HRM Degree, PMP certification and SCRUM Facilitator Certification.  She is a talented speaker and writer, who has a way with words, that paint a picture on a level that can be understood by all.  Follow me on Twitter @blairlikely or connect with me via email

Friday, August 1, 2014

I am such a country girl ... and the Raaaadiooooo Up!

From Apache, OK, by way of so many places in between -- even here in Michigan I still am a country girl at heart!  Hats Off!  

Sing along you know you wanna (in my hidden country accent) ... 

It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most
Not where you live, what you drive or the price tag on your clothes
There's no dollar sign on a peace of mind, this I've come to know
So if you agree, have a drink with me,
Raise you glasses for a toast

To a little bit of chicken fried
And cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right
And the radio on
I love to see the sun rise
- Zac Brown Band

Seeking Checkmate

I do not know yet what my next move will be, I am carefully examining the board.  

With few moves to choose from, I have aligned my goals (pawns), with my dreams (bishops), and hard work (queens) to pursue my future successes (kings).  So when I yell "CHECKMATE!" there will be no confusion that I am ready to move on to the next board. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why Try? Because the word No does not scare me!

The word 'No' to me means, hey Blair, you need to try this a different way.  

For me obstacles are opportunities, learning is growing, steep stairs deserve a climb, a shut door means knocking on the other door is a better shot and taking the road less traveled makes the greater difference. 

So if you hear the word 'No', give it another shot, try a different method, find a way to learn from it, capture the positive things from the situation -- and keep on keeping on.  

Be unstoppable like me, resilient, flexible, adaptable and motivated and that my advice for life itself!

Annnnndddd, although it is not yet Friday (which I just remembered) Happy Day all and take it all in stride. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I Fully Anticipate Today Will Be Amazing!

I fully expect all things today to be amazing, for no particular reason other than I have so much to be grateful for and so many people that I have the opportunity to impact. 

Positivity paves the way for growth, and growth breeds success. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Have a Positively Positive Day!

A Fashionista would say... "Any outfit will look great with the right accessories."

I say... "Any situation can be amazing with the right ATTITUDE!"

I THINK positive, therefore I AM ... always positive!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Timeless Classics still impact my life.

It has been a while since a book was so good that I felt truly connected with the characters.  Like Holden Caulfield (Catcher in the Rye) and George and Lenny (Of Mice and Men).  In my teens my connection to these characters was much different than my connection today, yet still there is a connection.

Ending my torrid literary affair with John Grisham, I have recently embarked on rekindling my relationships with characters that helped me come of age.  In re-reading coming of age novels I realize these characters who touched ,me years ago, still relevant-- even today.  

It seemed this was the perfect time for something a bit lighter, a bit more familiar and something from my past to shed new light on my current path.

John Steinbeck got it right with of Mice and Men.  This American classic which has been adapted into play bills, and films has recently re-inspired me to take care of my network because my network takes care of me.  

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Let me introduce myself in the third person.

Blair G., known as just "Blair" is a superstar rock star in her own right. 

Adaptable, engaged, self directed, motivated and approachable she get's things done that other's cannot. Mike Samples (Project Logistics Mgr for AT&T Michigan/Indiana Turf with General Dynamics Wireless) says "I have found her to be extremely intelligent, articulate, efficient, dedicated, and one of the best multitaskers I have seen in my career." 

Blair's self motivation adds to a potent mix of reliability and problem solving abilities "Blair is reliable, dedicated and eternally upbeat. Her ability to triage critical problems is uncanny", (Elizabeth Surface, Business Office Administrator at General Dynamics).

And with all of these great qualities Blair is a more than a manager, she is a true leader who coaches, mentors and develops talent by reaching outside of her reigns to provide solid fact based advice. "Blair is an intelligent goal driven professional who can, and does keep her team on track", (Bill Bobbitt, Project Manager). 

Blair is currently FOR HIRE and looking for her next great opportunity, as the wireless project she runs for General Dynamics IT has lost funding. You can find her on linkedin or reach out to her via email

She is truly someone you will want to know!


Our project has lost funding, and I am FOR HIRE.

An engaged adaptable Business Analyst with a strong eye for scope management who develops the answers to questions employing theoretical and practical aspects of project management; while keeping stakeholders involved at the right times and in the right ways.

 This is your opportunity to transfer my KSAO's to help your organization grow!

-HR Generalist & Talent Acquisition 
-Associate Project Manager
-Business Analyst
-Project Coordinator

 Follow me for insight into my life @BlairLikely or email me for candidacy information

Monday, June 23, 2014

Call Me!

"I invite you to call me to see if we have a mutually understood set of expectations."  

Is the ending sentence in my resume cover letter, and I am glad I selected such a direct final thought.  This is not a plea of a job seeker to speak to someone from a solicited organization, but a true request to see if we should continue with any sort of reciprocal consideration.

Last week I amp'd up my career search, and received quite a few calls and invitations for interviews.  I also was able to weed out positions that were misleading, and truly not a good fit.  Most importantly I was able to make good contacts, I even got a lunch invite (which I accepted) from the Director of Global Human Resources with a very large company who I will not name.  And although she and I will enjoy a wonderful lunch in the upcoming weeks, I am not interested in the position and she did not feel I was a good fit. 

It's all about relationship building, these are not the typical stakeholders I generally involve in my work, but these are the stakeholders in my professional life -- growing my personal network = growing my personal net worth. 

So if you want to know more about me, I invite you to call me to see if we have a mutual ground we stand on professionally or personally.  And don't forget to follow me on Twitter. @BlairLikely

Monday, June 2, 2014

This weekend was AMAZING

The long cold dreadful winter has me embracing any and everything outdoors!  This weekend was all about outside, and it was nothing short of amazing.....

I hung out with a Blue Jay.

Went to breakfast with Miss Amazing .

Up cycled an old pool and patio umbrella

And turned a weed bed into something pretty.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Saturday, May 3, 2014

I was Ego Surfing

I was ego surfing and look what I stumbled upon below, there is an author named Blair Gaines.  I have to buy this book just for name sake!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Thank You - You get more Bees!

I love getting thank you notes and other odes of appreciation.  I send quick notes regularly as well it serves a two way purpose.  

#1 - It helps me remember the person and what they did, or why I contacted them.  

#2 - It's just down right polite.  (I know for some that's a strange concept, but being polite is still OK in my book.)

So today, if you remember send a quick note of thanks to someone.  As a very candid former manager used to say "you get more bees with sugar than sh*t". 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Employee Engagement = Growth + Profit

If you have not yet noticed I am a little obsessed with Employee Engagement and Work Life Balance; trailed by my passion for Project Management -- but what project can be managed without people? Organizations need to treat their employees more like assets by creating a vested strategy for employee engagement. 

Kruse, K. (Jan.7, 2014) Retrieved from
Organizations that see their employees as assets generally treat their people well.  In turn those people project a positive company image.  Think about where you work for a moment, is the overall consensus of your colleagues that they are just there for a paycheck?  If so, I hate to tell you but your organization is not engaging it's employees.  And your coworkers are more likely to seek employment elsewhere; so there is a possibility for high turnover and job instability.

Or are you engaged in activities like team building, wellness, taking part in the delivery, development or strategic roll out of products/services?  Does your employer allow you a flexible schedule and realize you are a person outside of the organization?  Can you telecommute to take advantage of needed time away from the office?  If you answer yes to any of these questions congratulations, you work within an organization that recognizes the advantages of their people.  You my friend, are an engaged employee.  

I am becoming more and more convinced that for an organization to reach its maximum potential it must treat it's people like capital, or in HR lingo Human Capital.  Capital goes a long way when you start talking strategies for growth, talent retention, expansion, and succession.  In dollars and cents we think capital to keep it we reinvest it.  In human capital, the same principle applies.

Written by Blair Gaines 04/17/2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

T-Minus 6 Days Until Greatness Continues

Ok, so I am not like most adult working students, I embrace the work life balance and I love all that comes with it; the good and the bad.  So right now my not so average self proclaims:  I am super excited about the Spring Semester!  Again I shall claim my throne on the #DeansList!

Singing in OUTLOUD!

Sometimes you want to go 

Where everybody knows your name, 
and they're always glad you came. 
You wanna be where you can see, 
our troubles are all the same 
You wanna be where everybody knows 
Your name. 

#DeansList or #Bust!!

Our Project Has Lost It's Funding and I Need To Motivate My Staff!

I am generally cheerful, upbeat, and straight up no chaser.  So when it was announced that our Project in our Market (and some other Markets) had lost it's funding, my first concern was my team.  

As a Manager, I asked other Managers (more seasoned than myself) how do they best motivate their teams in such an environment.  I have yet to get a good answer that was not involving some sort of corporate motto, or just ramblings about what people need to do while sitting at their computers.  While this advice was well rehearsed in strategies for corporate success, there were no hit home techniques that would actually motivate and improve moral overall. 

Then I found this article....#Great Tips!

Career coach Kathy Caprino ticks off 7 things to do right away.

Q. My company is undergoing downsizing. How can I weather the storm, keep my staff (and myself) motivated, even when I know I could be next? I’m worried about finding new employment at my age as well. What’s the best way to behave?

A. This is a very tough situation – to be under scrutiny yourself while attempting to be a motivating and inspiring leader and manager during times of change. I applaud your efforts. The best advice I can give involves two aspects of the situation – managing yourself well in times of unknowing, and inspiring others to do the same.
First, in tumultuous times, it’s most important to bring your highest and best self forward, to be the kind of leader, manager, and colleague that you’ll be proud of, no matter what happens. This means staying as far away from negative behaviors like gossip, back-stabbing, and catastrophizing, and doing your work to the best of your ability. The key is to avoid actions and words that you’ll regret in the future. (For a powerful read on behaviors that support us in tough times, check out The Four Agreements). Find new ways to be of service, and pour yourself into work in a constructive manner so that you will be remembered for your strength, your resilience, and your positive attitude.  If you are being evaluated for downsizing, it’s usually because your role is redundant, or there are efficiencies that can be achieved by deleting your position, or you personally have not been deemed essential or beneficial to the team at this juncture. Your behavior now won’t alter how you fare with the first two criteria, but it could shape the third – how others view you and the importance of your contribution going forward.
In terms of motivating others, be open and honest as far as you can, but manage your emotions, and neutralize your negativity, fear or anxiety. Clear yourself of what you’re afraid of – by taking action to understand the situation and by doing your best regardless of the situation. Have regular meetings with your staff, to share feedback, concerns and create a strategic plan that your team can buy into. I’d err on the side of openness – let people share their concerns but also set strong boundaries around how you will hear, and address, these concerns.
If being downsized is a strong possibility for you, engage now in the key steps of planning for your next chapter and/or looking for a new job or role, including: 1) upgrading your resume and LinkedIn profile, 2) building your support network, 3) reaching out to colleagues and peers to get reconnected, 4) requesting testimonials and endorsements for your digital profile, 5) attending organizational and professional events, and 6) determining the top 30 companies you want to work for, and what type of role you want next, and 7) interviewing successfully to achieve that. Share with your support community exactly what you’re looking for, and ask your friends and colleagues if they know anyone with whom you could speak who might be of help.
Over the long arch of your career, it’s vitally important to be realistic – understand with eyes wide open the challenges you face – but also remain positive and upbeat (yes, being positive absolutely affects your career).  Engage yourself in co-creating what you desire to happen and do everything in your power to shape the next chapter of your life and work as you truly want it. 
Career coach Kathy Caprino is the founder of Ellia Communications and the author of Breakdown, Breakthrough.  Her new program, the Amazing Career Project, designed to help women navigate a successful career transformation launches in mid-September.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

There is nothing but Air and Opportunity

Kudo's to Me

Mike Samples
Project Logistics Mgr for AT&T Michigan/Indiana Turf with General Dynamics Wireless
I have had the privilege of working side by side with Blair over the course of the last year and a half and during this time, I have found her to be extremely intelligent, articulate, efficient, dedicated, and one of the best multitaskers I have seen in my career. I have stood amazed while watching her lead conference calls, interview potential new hires, and organize her team. Blair is a gem and she will continue to be both, a great asset and leader wherever her career takes her.less
March 18, 2014, Mike worked directly with BLAIR at General Dynamics Information Technology

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Kudo's to Me!

Recommendations (Kudos to Me!)

“I have known Blair for several years in her role at Presses for Industry and also with the MDNA. She is very pleasant to work with and is very involved to make things around her better. I highly recommend Blair !”  Jason Adler, Sr. Finance Manager, Direct Capital (business partner)

“Blair is a go getter, highly motivated, and always professional. She is very competent at her position, and never disappoints.” -Jim Dockeray, Sales- Appraiser, Nationwide Machinery Sales 

“As Chapter Secretary for the MDNA, Blair assisted in the creating a very special Chapter meeting held at our Company for our MDNA Detroit Chapter retired and senior members. Blair embraced our ideas and created the vehicle for us to reach the membership and promote the meeting. At the meeting her enthusiasm and personal involvement contributed to the overall success of the event.” -April Johnson, C.E.A., Vice President of Sales and Marketing, U S Equipment Company

“I have worked with Blair Gaines on a number of project over the last five years. She is organized, responsive, and a true asset to any project team.” -George Laidlaw, Director, Hilco Industrial, LLC 

“I have worked along side Blair in many projects at PFI. Blair's title of Office Administrator does not accurately describe her actual contributions to the company. She's the glue that holds all of the departments together. She stays on top of all projects and training, and coordinates the steps in their planning, implementation, and follow-up. She is a great employee and colleague.” -Craig Leduc, Hanes Geo Components

“Blair's efficient work ethic and ability to triage critical business situations is second to none. Great team player and refreshing to work with.”-David Saterstad, Former VP of Sales, PFI

“I have worked with Blair on MDNA association business. She is organized and really gets the job done. She has a dynamic personality and is a complete pleasure to work with. I would highly recommend Blair!”-Craig Ward, General Manager, F. P. Miller Company
